Alle ‘soglie’ dei «Sillabari» di Goffredo Parise. Dalla terza pagina alle edizioni in volume


  • Dario Boemia Università Iulm, Milano



Goffredo Parise, Sillabari, soglie, recensioni, ricezione


Initially published on the third page of the «Corriere della Sera» and subsequently in two volumes – the first in 1972 for Einaudi and the second in 1982 for Mondadori –, Goffredo Parise’s Sillabari stories have numerous and evident elements of interest with regard to the Genettian paratext, such as the titles of the stories (powerful filters that guide the reading) and the warning of Sillabario n. 2 (in which the author declares the unexpected exhaustion of inspiration and in which he defines the short stories as «poems in prose»). The article aims to analyze the reception of the literary work through the examination of the different peritextual aspects and through a critical examination of the epitext, in particular those reviews and newspaper articles (considered as a special public allographic epitext) that commented on the appearance of the different editions of the stories. The purpose is to study the reception dynamics between the first appearance on the third page of the Milanese newspaper and the publications in volume.


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H.R. Jauss, Toward an Aesthetic of Reception, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1982.

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How to Cite

Boemia, D. (2020). Alle ‘soglie’ dei «Sillabari» di Goffredo Parise. Dalla terza pagina alle edizioni in volume. Griseldaonline, 19(1), 90–106.


