«Un tribunale di soli uomini»: Dalla parte di lei by Alba de Céspedes between law, news and media


  • Emma de Pasquale Università Roma Tre




Alba de Céspedes, letteratura e giornalismo, letteratura e legge, letteraruta e radio


This essay aims to analyse the representation of courts in de Céspedes’ novel Dalla parte di lei (Mondadori, 1949), investigating the role of law in projecting discriminating family dynamics into a structural, institutionalized pattern. Analysing de Céspedes’ intellectual activities from an intermedial perspective, this study points out the ways in which the author’s controversy with the second post-war legal system intertwines with the debate on the judiciary latest news and it retraces the author’s thoughts on gender biases in the forensic context, by putting in relation the novel Dalla parte di lei to other journalistic, radiophonic and epistolary sources.



How to Cite

de Pasquale, E. (2023). «Un tribunale di soli uomini»: Dalla parte di lei by Alba de Céspedes between law, news and media. Griseldaonline, 22(2), 127–139. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1721-4777/17906